Project description The Minnesota Vikings have to notify the NFL at least 90 minutes before game time if the doors to the new U.S. Bank Stadium will be open or closed during the game. That is a little less time than a recent contractor gave Mactech for a critical machining project on the door assemblies at the new stadium, but not by much. Mactech’s value added to the project Mactech received an inquiry that the main pedestal areas where the bearings for the doors fastened needed to be machined in-place. With a large construction job underway, and no time to waste before the season started, time was of the essence. With a 30” pillar located in the center of the area in question, the surface to be machined was from 40” diameter out to 80” diameter. Mactech was on-site the next morning to walk it down and review the technical details of the project. There was an upper and a lower surface for the five doors of the stadium, making ten total areas. Tolerances were tight as they didn’t want to have to shim the bearings in any way upon installation. Equipment used In short order, two 48” clamshell lathes were outfitted with reinforcing back plates, dual-set locators for fastening and adjusting the machine, and extended reach and travel single point slides. All ten surfaces were completed on schedule with a surface finish better than 125rms and flatness of less than .005” TIR or better on all surfaces. Results Mactech’s precision field machining work will ensure that Viking’s fans don’t “blow the doors off” the stadium when they are cheering their team to victory. Here’s to a great football season ahead. Skol Vikings! Thanks to Vikings fan and friend of Mactech Mike Bremer for the stadium pics. Check out his show “Take a Hike, Mike” on Hasting Community TV. Download Case Study Need equipment that can handle big jobs on-site? Let’s talk. Whether you need Mactech machines or an extra set of experienced hands, we’re ready to start as soon as you are. Fill out the form below, and a representative will be in touch shortly to kick off your next project. window.hsFormsOnReady = window.hsFormsOnReady || []; window.hsFormsOnReady.push(()=>{ hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: 22739138, formId: "da8c449f-5e5e-4d6c-bf23-e539bf61bdee", target: "#hbspt-form-1741932895000-6788750868", region: "na1", })});